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Tasks – Quality control

The members use many different instruments for service quality control in vehicle inspection – e. g. open audits, accompagnied vehicle inspections, hidden tests, common quality circles or work under survey of a mentor.
All these individual control measures can hardly be compared since important parameters like uniformity or neutrality cannot be guaranteed constantly.

Therefore, additonal quality controls are made according to uniform federal standards by especially skilled auditors. QM e.V. coordinates these activities, draws up the standards and controls its compliance. The results of the different quality controls are summarised centrally, evaluated and reported to the members. The members can find focal points for the internal quality work.

Verein für Qualitätsmanagement
in der Fahrzeugüberwachung e.V.

Volmerstr. 8
D – 12489 Berlin

Phone: (030) 817 999 33

Email: info@qmev.de
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New start for the UN

The general situation has changed positively compared to the previous lockdown phases.