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Information — Formation of association

The common quality action plan of nearly all Germany PTI organisations aims at a lasting quality improvement of vehicle inspections according to the society’s order.

Developments of the market, changing framework requirements and especially the different claims to quality have caused this initiative carried out by the PTI companies.

It has been agreed that uniform instruments equally measure and evaluate the quality of main inspections in all German federal states. Based on a decision of the “Arbeitskreis Erfahrungsaustausch” (working group exchange of experience) guided by the federal authority for traffic (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt), it has been agreed that one unanounced quality control has been made per 4.000 main inspections.

The results from these quality controls are summarised, evaluated and analysed. In order to be objective, it was consequential to build up a central organ. The formation of the association “Verein für Qualitätsmanagement in der Fahrzeugüberwachung” (QM e.V.) takes over this task for his members. Transparency, neutrality and confidentiality are the basic requirement for the daily work. The association is active under the terms of its tasks since January 2010. It continues the successful work of the “Unterarbeitsgruppe Qualitätsoffensive” (working group quality action plan).

Verein für Qualitätsmanagement
in der Fahrzeugüberwachung e.V.

Volmerstr. 8
D – 12489 Berlin

Phone: (030) 817 999 33

Email: info@qmev.de
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