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Boards and their tasks

Board of management

The board of management represents the association according to § 26 BGB. It is built up of the chairman and three representative managing directors. The management is especially responsible for the execution of daily business.

Jürgen Wolz

Jürgen Wolz

Member of the Management Board, Head of Service Line Mobility Retail and official activities Germany, TÜV SÜD Auto Service GmbH

Hartmut Abeln

Hartmut Abeln

Managing Director TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG

Jann Fehlauer

Jann Fehlauer

Managing Director DEKRA Automobil GmbH

Dr. Frederik Schmidt

Dr. Frederik Schmidt

Member of the Management Board, GTÜ – Gesellschaft für Technische Überwachung mbH

Advisory board

The work of the association is accompagnied by an advisory board. The tasks of the advisory board is to advise the association and to support its decision-making by means of opinions and recommendations.

The advisory board is built up of:

  • two representatives each of officially appointed road traffic experts
  • two examination engineers of official PTI companies
  • two representatives of regional government authority
  • representatives of public authorities, scientific institutions and official bodies.

Legal committee

The legal committee consists of three representatives. At least one of them is qualified to exercise the functions of a judge and does not belong to one of the member organisations. One of them must belong to a transport inspection authority, and one of them must belong to a PTI company. The legal committee is decisive in the following cases:

  • disputes about interpretation of constitution
  • disputes among members of association organ, especially in case of their responsibility
  • disputes among association members and the association or its organs – except board of management – about rights and duties of members as well as special rights and special duties.
Verein für Qualitätsmanagement
in der Fahrzeugüberwachung e.V.

Volmerstr. 8
D – 12489 Berlin

Phone: (030) 817 999 33

Email: info@qmev.de
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